Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chapter 20: Reeling in the Big One

Been a while since I actually went fishing. It's kind of hard to get used to after so long.

I got to get a feel for everything again. It's a nice little pastime, and I haven't had enough time to devote to it lately. The kids have been keeping me busy, though.

Hopefully they'll appreciate sushi. Well, I don't know if Salty would enjoy it, or if he took it as an insult.

He and Teodor were talking about something weird earlier before I left.

"You're saying the thing was huge? How big are we talking here, Dorry?" 

"It looked big enough to smash houses! I kid you not!"

If something that big is out here, I should probably be careful. So far, I haven't had any problems, though. 

Well, besides not really getting any huge bites. 

I got some luck, but nothing worth bragging about. And, well, I've actually been out here for hours. It almost feels like I wasted my time. 

But I did get something, so maybe I shouldn't complain. 

"Hey! Hey, Matty, I've been wondering where you went!" 

"Salty? What are you doing out here?" 

"Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing!" 

I don't even know how to ask him where he found me. Or even if he were actually looking for me. Who knows with him. 

"Mind if I hop aboard?" After what we did, I'm going to have to remind him later not to say that. 

I wonder what's wrong with him. He was all cheery before he got into the boat. He's usually spouting out something ridiculous he saw that day, and...

"So, uh...Teodor knows." Well, now I know it's serious. Normally, Salty doesn't use our full names. "He knows...about what we did." 

"And? You're worried that he might kick us out over it?"

"Oh, no, it ain't that! It's just...He's cool with it, but it's the other stuff that I'm worried about. Something about cultures and society and junk."

The way he's going on, I think he's experiencing something he can't put into words.

"All that we did, that's normal to only want that with one person, right?"

"It is. In fact, if you try it with someone else at the same time, well...most of society frowns upon it. But if it's with one person only, then that's normal."

"What's that called?" I'm pretty sure I know what he's trying to say now.

"It's called a relationship, amigo."

"A relationship, huh? Is that what I got with you?"

"A romantic one, yeah. With Teodor and the girls, that's a platonic one."

"Platonic, romantic...humans are so fucking confusing."

If only he knew just how deep it goes. "Thing is, should I think of you as a friend with benefits, or as a boyfriend?"

"I guess...A boyfriend?"

There we go, then. I guess I have a boyfriend. be honest, the last successful romantic couple I saw were my own parents, and that didn't exactly end well for them.

I don't know what I should do if this means I'm in a committed relationship myself. Maybe just see how it goes?

I know I should've told Teodor that we were going to stay at the resort. But hopefully he won't mind too much.

Right now, I'd really like to try to cement this relationship.

(End of Chapter 20.)

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