I told this scumbag not to mess with Dorry.
And what did he do? He fucking messed with Dorry!
There is no way I'm going to let him get away with this.
Ah, hell, I can practically hear that jackass taunting me across the ocean. He seems to have forgotten that that's where I came from.
If ever there were a time that I needed to rely on the sea, this is it. And I know it's a long shot, but I think that I can take that risk.
Whatever I'm going to deal with after this, fine. I'll deal with it. But right now...
"Sic 'em, Kenny!"
I've always wanted to say those words. And now's a good a time as any to do so. And hey, it's not like the blame is going to be pinned entirely on me.
At least, I don't think so. Who knows how humans deal with that.
Now that is one hell of a satisfying sight. Wish I had a camera.
Should I have gone that far in dealing with this? Eh, maybe not. I do know Kenny was in need of stretching his tentacles.
...And somehow that douche was still alive and kicking when I finally got out there.
"This is impossible! How could this have happened?! What was that fiend?!" I get the feeling this guy doesn't bother going out into the water much.
Funny, he lives in a place surrounded by it. Eh, may as well let him get used to it now.
"Hey, loser! Splashy-splashy!"
"Why you...! How dare you! Were you the one that called that wretched beast?! You ruined my boat! It was priceless!"
"Priceless, you say? So now you lost something of important value? Yeah, that don't feel good, now do it?"
"Tell you want, land-hog. You promise to give back everything you stole to Mister Medina, and I'll bring you back to shore!"
"You filthy heathen...!"
"And I'll let you in on something. You're a hell of a long way from shore. And my boys like to frequent this part of the ocean. So I'm guessing you don't got a chance of making it back on your own. Just give back what you stole, and I'll bring you back!"
"I will do no such thing!"
Well, that sealed the deal. He's a goner.
"All righty then. If you say so. Hope my boys don't mind rotten meat for dinner tonight."
It's official. I'm a murderer. Do I regret it? Nah. And I didn't go back on my word. I told him what would happen.
But of course, that prick just couldn't atone for his sins. That's not to say I'm any better, but at least I can admit I've done some pretty bad shit.
Hope the others are okay.
(End of Chapter 26.)
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